Collaboration with a Social Media Agency

BY Basia Zaraczyńska

Collaborating with a social media agency is a common practice among large brands.

It is an investment that can yield excellent results in a short time. Brands choose to utilize the services of specialized agencies because managing this area requires extensive, up-to-date knowledge, resources, and time. Brands face increasing competition, changing algorithms on platforms, and legal issues that often raise uncertainties. Agencies provide comprehensive support and maximize the effectiveness of digital activities. Effective collaboration and good communication between the agency and the client are crucial. What does this look like from Neon Shake’s perspective?

Starting the Collaboration

At the beginning of the collaboration, we focus on thoroughly understanding the brand and its needs — we discuss goals, the nature of past communication, and expectations. After the initial briefing and debriefing, we conduct a detailed audit of social media channels, analyzing their current effectiveness and the brand’s resources. We carefully examine the actions of competitors and current trends, which allows us to understand the dynamics of the industry and determine how we can differentiate the brand. We implement initial visual and textual optimizations that immediately improve the appearance and functionality of the profiles.

Strategy — The Foundation for Further Actions

The strategy stage marks the transition from analysis to specifics — we develop key communication assumptions that serve as the foundation for the brand’s further actions in social media. We define target groups, set goals for each channel, and establish priorities to effectively build relationships and engagement. Based on this, we create the so-called Big Idea, which will become the heart of the brand’s narrative. We define the main content categories and communication style. We also ensure visual consistency and a communication style in social media by designing social CI. We establish KPI metrics to monitor the effectiveness of actions and develop moderation guidelines and a crisis management plan.

At this stage, strategic workshops or training sessions are often essential for both parties — both the agency and the client. During meetings, we introduce the client’s team to our processes, present the strategic assumptions, and equip them with the knowledge needed to achieve the set goals together. Sometimes, however, the client leads the meeting, sharing details about the product, market, or consumer expectations. As experts in their field, clients provide valuable insights.

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Content that Builds Authenticity

We then move on to developing a detailed action plan, which includes a monthly publication schedule that we discuss with the client. We ensure diversity and attractiveness of content. We create content that builds authenticity — we often organize photo and video sessions to prepare visual materials that enhance the message.

Our social media managers are responsible for regular publication and moderation, allowing for ongoing dialogue with the audience and quick responses to their needs. We are flexible and monitor current events and trends.

Monthly status updates are a key element in the collaboration process, allowing us to regularly track progress. Each month, we analyze data on the results of actions — including post reach, engagement metrics, interaction numbers, and the effectiveness of specific content formats. Based on this, we evaluate which actions yield the best results and which may require optimization.

Activations — Reach, Engagement, and the WOW Effect

Activations intensively engage the audience and build broader reach. They can take various forms that we tailor to the brand’s needs.

We develop “hero” concepts — these are engaging campaigns distinguished by their scale. They have the potential to gain significant attention and reach a wide audience.

We also effectively implement influencer collaborations. Online creators, as ambassadors of campaigns, help reach new audience groups and naturally promote the brand, increasing its visibility and trust among potential customers.

One frequently proposed form of activation is contests, which effectively engage the community and enhance the brand’s image.

Results and Optimization

We measure and maximize the results of the activities conducted. At this stage, we manage the media budget appropriately. Optimization is a continuous process — we regularly make adjustments to campaigns, tailoring content and tactics based on current results. We monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) and detailed metrics that allow us to track progress and identify areas needing improvement.

Each month, we provide clients with detailed reports presenting the results. This enables us to make decisions about further steps together and adapt the strategy flexibly to changing market conditions and audience expectations.


Collaboration with a social media agency is a decision that allows brands to fully leverage the potential of social media platforms and effectively reach their audiences. With the support of an agency, brands gain comprehensive assistance at every stage — from in-depth analysis and development of a coherent strategy to dynamic content management and results optimization. The process based on regular reports ensures transparency and flexibility, enabling brands to respond quickly to changing trends.

At Neon Shake, we emphasize partnership relationships and open communication. In an atmosphere of trust and honesty, both parties can develop ideas and find the best solutions. We encourage sincere feedback — every opinion, even critical ones, is a valuable clue that helps us improve our actions. From our side, we also offer full transparency and constructive feedback, ensuring that the collaboration proceeds effectively and in line with the client’s goals.


What does the process of starting collaboration with an agency look like?

At the beginning of the collaboration, we conduct a detailed audit of the brand’s current activities and learn about its goals and expectations. After this stage, we develop a communication strategy and action plan that considers the brand’s specifics and market trends.

What are the key performance indicators (KPIs) in social media?

Key indicators include post reach, engagement metrics (e.g., likes, comments, shares), number of interactions, and conversions (e.g., sales, newsletter sign-ups). Regularly monitoring these metrics allows for the optimization of activities.

How often does the agency present reports on its activities?

Reports are typically provided monthly, which is a matter we individually agree upon with the client. They contain detailed analyses of the results, allowing for ongoing assessment of the strategy’s effectiveness and any necessary adjustments.

What is the Big Idea in a social media strategy?

The Big Idea is the central concept that drives the brand’s narrative in social media. It is a key element of the strategy that helps build recognition and audience engagement through consistent communication and diverse actions.

What are the costs of collaborating with a social media agency?

The costs of collaboration depend on the scope of services the client chooses and the specifics of the actions. Each project is tailored to the client’s needs, and a detailed estimate is established during the planning phase.

How long does the strategy implementation process take?

The time required for strategy implementation depends on its complexity and the specifics of the actions. However, visible results can typically be expected within a few months, and regular reports allow for ongoing monitoring of progress.

Basia Zaraczyńska
Marketing Specialist

Basia is a graduate of Image Communication at the University of Wrocław. At Neon Shake she is responsible for the agency’s marketing. She is interested in UX Design and branding.

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