From posts to campaigns: An overview of various forms of collaboration with influencers

BY Anna Mitranka

Influencer marketing is a marketing strategy where the central role is played by an influencer who, by communicating with their community through their own social media channels, conveys specific marketing messages.

This strategy enables brands to reach their target audience through more authentic and credible messages, which usually generate better results than traditional forms of advertising. As a result, it can contribute to increased campaign outcomes such as brand awareness or sales.

The effectiveness of influencer marketing is increasingly appreciated by brands. Just compare the numbers: in 2023, the influencer marketing market was valued at $21 billion, with an estimated growth to $24 billion in 2024.

Most clients using this strategy plan to increase their budgets for influencer marketing (according to a 2023 ReachaBlogger report, exactly 58% of survey participants planned to increase their budget for such activities), while also seeking new forms of collaboration. Influencer marketing is constantly evolving, offering new opportunities and adapting to general trends. Let’s take a closer look at what it can offer marketers in 2024.

Types of Influencer Collaborations

When looking for new forms of collaboration with creators, brands now have almost unlimited possibilities. Here are just a few of them:

Sponsored Posts: Creators publish content on their profiles, promoting the brand’s products or services in exchange for compensation. These posts can include product photos, descriptions, benefits, and usage instructions. Product placement requires disclosure of the paid partnership.

Affiliate Programs: Systems where influencers promote a brand’s products or services in exchange for a commission on sales generated through unique affiliate links.

Unboxing and Product Reviews: Influencers receive products from brands and create video content or posts where they showcase the unboxing process and share their first impressions.

Giveaways and Contests: Influencers organize giveaways or contests in collaboration with brands, increasing engagement and the reach of their content. A crucial element is a mechanism that ensures a low entry barrier, such as liking a post, writing a comment, or tagging a friend. Creators can also offer personalized discount codes to their audience.

Challenges: A form of collaboration that was more popular at one time, where the brand, with the help of an influencer, engages the audience to take on a challenge. The goal of such challenges is to increase engagement, reach, and brand awareness through interactive and often viral activities.

Live Streaming: Influencers conduct live broadcasts, promoting products or services in real time, allowing for interaction with viewers.

Co-Creating Products: Influencers collaborate with brands in the creation of new products, which may include design, testing, and promotion.

Account Takeover: Creators take over a brand’s social media account for a set period, creating and publishing content on behalf of the brand.

Joint Campaigns: Brands and influencers create joint marketing campaigns that include various channels and content formats.

Project Sponsorship: A collaboration where the brand acts as a sponsor for a project in which the influencer is involved. This could be a charitable initiative that builds the brand’s image.

Long-Term Collaboration: Brands establish long-term relationships with influencers who become brand ambassadors, regularly promoting their products and services.

When deciding on a specific form of collaboration, it’s worth starting by finding a credible role for the influencer within your planned activities. Only in this way will the collaboration appear authentic. Moreover, publishing a single sponsored post or unboxing video is often not enough to achieve the desired effect. Influencer marketing is increasingly moving towards comprehensive, package-based collaborations, where the creator gains significant autonomy in content creation. Let’s discuss in more detail the trends that will shape influencer marketing in the near future.

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Trends in Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing in 2024 will focus on authenticity, building strong communities, long-term relationships, and leveraging advanced technologies. Here are the most frequently mentioned trends:

  1. Long-Term Collaborations: The growing importance of long-term partnerships with influencers, providing more authentic and lasting brand connections. These collaborations allow for a deeper understanding of brand values and better integration into influencers’ daily lives.
  2. Strong Communities: Brands focus on building and supporting strong, loyal communities. Collaboration with influencers who engage their audience is key. These communities provide valuable feedback and create a sense of belonging around the brand.
  3. Flexibility and Creativity: There is also an emphasis on the increasing popularity of so-called open briefs and greater freedom in content creation on the influencer’s side. This approach gives the creator a chance to produce more authentic and creative content that resonates better with their audience.
  4. Authenticity and Transparency of Creators: Transparency is becoming an increasingly important factor for both brands and audiences. Striving for mandatory disclosure of paid partnerships is a step towards greater credibility.
  5. AI Support: AI is playing an increasingly significant role in data analysis, influencer preselection, and marketing strategy creation. AI-based tools help optimize campaigns, tailor content, and forecast results, increasing the effectiveness of actions.
  6. Cross-Platform Content: The use of a multi-platform strategy that engages the audience across multiple social media channels. This allows for expanded reach and increased credibility through consistent, multi-dimensional narratives.
  7. Paid User-Generated Content (Paid UGC): The growing popularity of user-generated content sponsored by brands. These are characterized by authenticity and credibility, building consumer trust. They are used on brand channels, not the creators’.
  8. The Rise of Micro and Nano Influencers: Micro (10k-100k followers) and nano influencers (< 10k followers) are increasingly appreciated by brands due to their potential to create deeper and more personal relationships with their audience. This aligns with the trend towards authenticity and building strong communities.

When planning influencer marketing activities, it’s important to consider these trends while also allowing for flexibility in the forms of collaboration. The more personalized the brief, and the more openness to what the creator can bring to the collaboration, the greater the chance of an interesting and effective campaign.


What is influencer marketing?

Answer: Influencer marketing is a strategy where brands collaborate with individuals who have a large following on social media to promote their products or services. Thanks to the authenticity and engagement of influencers, these campaigns often yield better results than traditional advertisements.

How to choose the right influencer for collaboration?

Answer: Choosing an influencer should be based on analyzing their reach, audience engagement, and the alignment of the influencer’s values and image with the brand. It’s crucial that the influencer has a real impact on their community and is authentic in their recommendations.

How to measure the effectiveness of an influencer marketing campaign?

Answer: The effectiveness of a campaign can be measured by analyzing reach, engagement (likes, comments, shares), click-through rates, conversions, and ROI (return on investment).

What are popular forms of collaboration with influencers?

Answer: The most common forms of collaboration include sponsored posts, product reviews, affiliate programs, contests and giveaways, co-creating products, and live streaming. The choice of form depends on the campaign’s goals and the brand’s characteristics.

Is influencer marketing cost-effective?

Answer: Yes, influencer marketing can be very cost-effective, especially if the campaign is well-planned. Well-matched collaborations can bring significant returns, particularly in terms of building brand awareness and increasing sales.

What trends will dominate influencer marketing in 2024?

Answer: Key trends in 2024 include long-term collaborations with influencers, the growing importance of micro and nano influencers, the increasing role of artificial intelligence (AI) in data analysis and content creation, and the rising significance of user-generated content (UGC).

Anna Mitranka

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